Pittsburgh Union of Record Geeks electronic

Monday, October 10, 2011


No, PURGe has not disappeared off the face of the Earth, just been too lazy to update the blog. Still haven't written anything new but fixed some links and stuff for your browsing pleasure. If you want actual content, check the new adds under Great Music Sites. Adios Lounge is what my blog would be like given some ambition. And I've lost track of the local scene a bit, so good to have a resource like Speed of the Pittsburgh Sound. (Did manage to catch the New Shouts' ep release show recently.)

Some exciting live music coming to town soon, with The Jayhawks next weekend and the legendary Ray Davies and Pittsburgh's own legendary The Cynics on back-to-back nights in early November.

The end of the year is coming up, which seems to be the only time I write anything. Suggestions for the year end list? Send them along to purgegeeks@gmail.com.


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